45-49 Years Health Assessment

Aim of the 45-49 year old health check
  • Once only health check.
  • Assist with the detection and prevention of chronic disease and enable early intervention strategies in this age group.
    1. Lifestyle factors (smoking, physical inactivity etc.)
    2. Biomedical factors (blood pressure, cholesterol etc.)
    3. Family History of chronic disease
  • Focus on preventative care for the first time.
Who is eligible for the 45-49 year old health check?
  • Patients aged 45-49 who are at risk of developing chronic disease.
  • Patients who have at least 1 risk factor for chronic disease.
What does the 45-49 year old health check involve?
  • Information collection, including taking history and performing examination and investigation as required.
  • Conducting an overall assessment of the patient.
  • Interventions as indicated.
  • Providing advice and information to the patient.

This type of appointment is offered yearly, but should the need arise for assessment sooner please discuss with either a Nurse or Doctor. 

Upcoming fee changes effective from 1st July 2024:

gap fees will be adjusted to a minimum of $30. We continue to bulk-bill kids under 16y/o (Medicare card holders) and concession card holders. 

ALL consultations on Saturday will be charged a minumum gap fee of $30.

Kindly refer to the website for more info.

2024 Flu and Covid-19 vaccine booster:

2024 Flu and Covid-19 vaccine are now available!
We are currently offering Pfizer Omicron XBB 1.5.  GP consults for ONLY flu and/or Covid-19 vaccination are bulk billed for Medicare Card Holders. Please book an appointment online or call us @ 08-83592911.

Upcoming fee changes from 1st July 2023:

gap fees will be adjusted to a minimum of $25. We continue to bulk-bill kids under 16y/o (Medicare card holders) and concession card holders. 

ALL consultations on Saturday will be charged a minumum gap fee of $25.

Kindly refer to the website for more info.

Flu and Covid-19 vaccine booster:

Flu and Covid-19 vaccine are now available!
We are currently offering both Pfizer Bivalent and Pfizer Paediatric  (5-11y/o).  GP consults for ONLY flu and/or Covid-19 vaccination are bulk billed for Medicare Card Holders. Please book an appointment online or call us @ 08-83592911.

Face Mask
Please be advised that FACE MASKS are still mandatory at Vitality Healthcare Medical Centre if you have flu-like symptoms.
Our doctors will not issue mask exemption letter to any new patient.
Thank you for your understanding and your help in keeping the community and our staff safe.

Thank you.